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Interrupted Paths features painted collage works that are a continuation of a series I have been working on over the last several years. Relying on an undulating, striated pattern, they are sometimes seen as resembling natural and geological forms while I intend for their flatness, painted mark and textures to remind us that they are constructions of a painter's workings. As the patterns of stripes make their way across the canvases they seek to be seen as consisting of or originating from one source, in this case, a striated pattern which begins as a drawing and is used as a template for the overall pattern of each canvas.  However, they are not allowed to continue without interruption. Rather, the pattern becomes about transitions in color, tone and texture making for a more varied and complex outcome. For the viewer, what is initially a visual experience may become more as we see connections to pattern and interruptions in our own lives and environments. 

The 2024 exhibit Silent Surfaces: Mapping Spatial & Personal Discoveries at Greenville Center for Creative Arts included some of the works in the Interrupted Paths series and presented new works that continue and update the ideas and concepts of the series.   

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